Sri Venkataramana Temple Kallianpur


Restoration and Preservation : Jeernodhara at Our Temple

Dear Devotees

We take pleasure in informing you that the Managing Committee has taken a decision to rebuild our ancient Sri Venkataramana Temple, Kallianpur. In the last few years, there have been a few issues (some leakage) in the garbagudi and several roof slab (sanctum sanctorum) of the presiding deity Lord Venkataramana.

The matter was placed before our Mathadipati HH Samyamindra Thirtha Swamiji of Kashi Muth Samsthan, seeking their guidance for further action. Sri Swamiji advised the Trustees of the Temple to find solution through “Swarna Prashna Chintana” maarg. Accordingly the said Prashna Chintana took placed in the presence of HH Swamiji and all the hurdles and its solutions reflected during such Prashna Chintana were completed as per the directions of HH Swamij and It was decided to renovate the entire temple including the kalamandir (hall). However due to Corona pendamic the process of temple renovation was delayed by 3 years.

In January 2023, we have presented the entire temple renovation plan along with the estimation of approximately Rs.8.5 crores to our revered Swamiji, who has given prasad to temple management for commencing the work.

During this Shubhakrath naam Samvastar (February 2023) a jeernodhara Committee was formed by the Temple (Members list mentioned in jeernodhara appeal) and it’s first meeting was held on 12-02-2023 seeking the financial support of the members and to decide how to proceed further. The response of the devotees who attended the meeting was overwhelming and requests from the devotees of our temple to include family members / elders of every family.

Join Our WhatsApp Group

The time to time developments of jeernodhara work of the temple have been published in WhatsApp group of the temple. Devotees are requested to join this WhatsApp group for regular updates.

There is a long tradition of every family being contributing for the development our Temple. Your valuable support will give confidence to the management committee to complete the jeernodhara work in a stipulated time. Hence we appeal to all the devotees/kulavees of our temple to come forward and contribute generously towards Jeernodhara work of the temple and seek blessings of almighty.


Monthly Jeernodhara Progress Updates

Jeernodhara May 2024

Visit to Carpenter Workshop – 21-05-2024 Visit to Shilpi Workshop – 21-05-2024 Core Team Visit to Mumbai – 26-05-2024 Core Team Visit to Bengaluru – 26-05-2024 Gabagudi, Sutthupavli & Tirtha

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Jeernodhara April 2024

Wooden Roofing of Garbhagudi and Suttupavli and other wooden work – KAASTA MUHURTHA on 03-04-2024 at 9.30 AM We are glad to inform that Jeernoddhara work of proposed Shilamaya temple

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Jeernodhara March 2024

Nidhi Kalasha – Nidhi Samparna Inauguration – 03-03-2024 Jeernoddhara process of Lord Sri Venkatramana Temple has already begun and Mahurtham for Nidhi Kalasha installation & Shanku Sthapana of proposed Shilamaya

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Jeernodhara February 2024

Shilanyasa of new Kala Mandir by Sri Kashi Matadipathi Srimad Sayamindra Teertha Swamiji Shilanyasa of proposed Kalamandir of our Temple was held on 11-02-2024 at 10.07 AM with the devine

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Jeernodhara January 2024

Site visit to Shilpi Workshop The Jeernoddhara Core Committee members visited Sri Shilpi Nagaraj Tantri’s workshop on 07-01-2024 and perused the granite sculpture work developments. After discussion it has been

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Jeernodhara December 2023

The Trustees and Core Committee members of Jeernoddhara Committee met HH Samyamindra Thirtha Swamiji at their Koteshwar mokkam (camp) to seek Mahurtham for shifting of Temple deities to Balalaya and

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Jeernodhara November 2023

Discussions with Engineer Discussions with Engineer Sri Rajendra Maiya, ACE Technocrats Pvt Ltd at Udupi with Carpenter Contractors regarding wooden work in November 2023 Arrival of First Garbha Gudi Sculptures

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Jeernodhara October 2023

Temple Website Launch We are glad to announce that our updated version of temple website has been blessed by Sri Kashi Matadipathi Shrimath Samyameendra Thirtha Swamiji at Sri Kashi Math,

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Jeernodhara September 2023

Shilpi’s Workshop Visit After one month i.e. on 29/09/2023 the Core Committee members made site visit to Sri Nagraj Tantri’s work shop and are happy to observe that 30% of

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Jeernodhara August 2023

Agreement with Shilpi Contractor The Core Committee, backed by Swamiji’s blessings started further work in finalising Shilpi Contractor. After due verification & negotiation, keeping in mind the credentials of Shilpi

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Jeernodhara June 2023

Srinivasa Kalyanostav On 10-06-2023, The Srinivasa Kalyanostav was held on scheduled date and HH Swamiji visited our temple from their Someshwar Camp and prayed for speedy completion of jeernodhara work

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Jeernodhara April 2023

Formation of Core Committee for Jeernodhara Decision-Making In the next meeting i.e. 23-04-2023, it was also decided to form a Core Committee consisting of 10 members for smooth functioning &

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Sri Venkataramana Temple Kallianpur